MCA HQ, 7 Jan – It was a good day for 47 people today as they were awarded financial aid by the 1MCA Medical Foundation and the Chang Ming Thien Foundation during the cheque and loan presentation ceremony today at Wisma MCA, Kuala Lumpur.
1MCA Medical Foundation benefits 1,706 Malaysians

Today, the 1MCA Medical Foundation, a foundation established in 2010 to cater to the needs of Malaysians who require monetary assistance to recover from health issues, saw RM113,700 being disbursed to 19 recipients by MCA President Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek. Of the 19, three are Indians, 1 Malay and the rest are Chinese .

The MCA President said in his speech that since its founding, the 1MCA Medical Foundation has collected RM20 million, and that RM9.3million has been disbursed to 1,706 Malaysians of all races. Explaining the breakdown, Soi Lek said that of the number given, 209 of the recipients were Indians and 123 of them were Bumiputras. The number of non-Chinese recipients make up almost 25% of the total recipients.

The increasing number of recipients, especially from the non-Chinese group shows that MCA’s programmes are reaching out across to all Malaysians, regardless of race or religion and even political beliefs. Soi Lek also gave his assurance that the 1MCA Medical Foundation was a long term plan, and that whichever party leadership that takes over is obligated to keep the Foundation going to ensure continuity.
1,704 students able to further their studies thanks to Chang Ming Thien

The Chang Ming Thien Foundation on the other hand is an education loan scheme offered to those from the lower-income group where the interest cost is absorbed by MCA. The President described the Foundation as one of MCA’s ways to help Malaysians of all races and religions, as well as to play its part in helping to fulfill the 1Malaysia concept as espoused by Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Razak.

Today, the Chang Ming Thien Foundation had disbursed RM561,000 to 28 people (22 Chinese, 5 Indians, 2 Malays) with each receiving between RM8,000 to RM50,000 depending on the courses applied by the recipient.
Since its establishment in 2004, 1,774 students of all races and religions were able to further their studies with over RM27,259,000 being disbursed to them. This year alone recorded RM3,162,000 being disbursed to 207 students. This was informed by Dato’ Seri Liow Tiong Lai, MCA Deputy President during a press conference after the cheque presentation ceremony.

1MCA Education Loan Scheme
Soi Lek also added that besides the Chang Ming Thien Foundation, MCA also had a 1MCA Education Loan Scheme worth RM50million which was also interest free for the first five years and has helped 162 students so far with RM6.4million being given out to successful applicants irrespective of ethnic background.
Difference between MCA and DAP
The success of these programmes can be seen in the rising number of multiracial recipients, proving that more and more people are being touched by MCA’s efforts to help the less fortunate. Soi Lek also said that the difference between MCA and the DAP was that whenever MCA raises funds from the public, the rakyat can rest assured that a big portion of the funds will be channeled back to them public for welfare or education, whereas DAP on the other hand only raises funds to serve their own political needs which is to overthrow the BN government and to take over Putrajaya.